Case sTUDY


Case Study


Social Media


X/ Instagram / TikTok



Start Date

October, 2023

Currys Fame Ignition

Appointed to run Currys Twitter/X account for Q4 to drive fame into their business. We are now the retained agency for Currys, and will be focussing across all platforms. We were tasked with shifting the Currys TOV to: 

  • Build a recognisable brand personality
  • Change brand perception
  • Build positive sentiment amongst younger audiences and future customers
  • Reaching key audiences in touchpoints they live in
  • Build fame and become socially famous


Currys Digital Renaissance

Through our collaboration, Currys’ brand personality shone, altering perceptions and garnering positive sentiment, especially among younger demographics. By engaging with key audiences on their favorite platforms, we not only amplified Currys’ fame but also solidified its status as a socially renowned brand, making it a household name among future customers.
  • Brand Personality Shines
  • Perception Shift Achieved
  • Young Audience Engagement
  • Socially Famous Brand

Company Growth

Company Growth


10m+ Views in 2024 alone across platforms. Creating meaningful content that goes beyond follower base. 


Over 800k likes. We creating content that is resonating with audiences and driving positive engagement


Creating content people want to see, always relating back to the brand. Currys following growing on mass.


A continuous flow of PR coverage from consumer and industry alike. Currys are now a social leader. 

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